In this year of “can’t, shouldn’t and no” this class has replied with the rejoinders “both/and” and “yes, and” (thanks Rosa!). I grabbed a hold of these lifelines to pull myself towards the bright unknown. The chance to imagine the future as something more inclusive, honest, fulfilling, and emotional has been a salve to the perennially dark and dreary present. The constant reminders that we can’t know what’s coming, to keep moving forward however imperfectly, and that change is the only constant couldn’t have been more timely. While initially when we started this class in January I worried that I was taking it too early in my MLIS journey, now I realize it was the perfect timing for me. I feel invigorated with new ideas and emboldened to take the next steps of my uncertain journey. I learned so much from deep diving into the modules and from all of the amazing projects from my classmates. I also learned to listen to my instincts and to pace myself—this class convinced me not to take too many classes this summer and instead to lean into creating a real version of a project started as a proof of concept in this class. Thanks for pushing us to expand our ideas and dreams for the future of Libraryland.     

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Chris Hosler · May 16, 2021 at 7:40 pm

Hi Sarah!

I hope you are successful with your Petaluma Project!

What classes are you taking this summer as well? I’m doing Info 266 and Info 285

    Sarah Rainey · May 17, 2021 at 1:34 am

    hey Chris… I’m taking 240 and maybe the “graphic design for librarians” class but I’m not sure if two is gonna be too crazy with my kids off school.

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